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Remedium Hospital Management System has a comprehensive module to handle the Emergency Room (ER) and Day Care functionalities. The Emergency Room being a fast moving, dynamic, transient and high turnover clinical environment, needs Quick registration, Triage and Tracking of patients, speedy and easy input of data and orders, high usage of protocols, provision to handle Medico Legal Cases (MLCs) and Continuum of care, if patient is admitted to IP.
The Remedium ER & Day Care Management process is designed to register and handle patients quickly with nil or minimal personal information, and, yet ensure that no data of any patient is mixed up or lost. This becomes extremely important in an ER to ensure that care is delivered without any delay. All Medico Legal Cases are handled separately and the system ensures that all mandatory data is captured.
In order to ensure that the solution is user-friendly and easy to use, there is a comprehensive patient track board from which all delivery of care can be completely handled. Remedium Hospital Management Software understands that time is of essence in the ER department and delivering timely care to save lives is the focus of all care givers in the ER department.
Hence, Remedium’s ER&Day-care Module seamlessly integrates all processes from Admission, Clinical Assessment & Follow-up to the patient discharge process. At the end of an ER / daycare visit, the patient may check out and go back home or may be admitted to an IP ward for further treatment.
The Remedium Hospital Management system's ER & Day care module allows to register a patient even if no personal details are available. They are called as "John Doe" and "Jane Doe" admissions. This helps in handling emergencies such as Road Traffic Accidents, wherein the personal details of the patient may not be readily available. This ensures that care can start without any delay in a real time emergency cases.
Remedium Hospital Management System's ER Module functions on the basis of the triage score and severity of condition, where-in, each patient is appropriately colour coded and shown on the patient track board for easy monitoring. As and when the parameters are updated the aggregate score and colour coding are updated automatically. The track board can be projected on a screen or TV, which will show continuous status of the patient to the care givers involved.